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Sam The Trap Man

Sam the Trap Man Book

Sam the Trap Man Book

Regular price $45.00 NZD
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Cracking yarns and tall tales from the bush
Written by Sam Gibson

These are signed copies - If you would like a personalised copy feel free to send us a message. Thanks for your support!

With hilarious anecdotes and antics to rival Kiwi author Barry Crump, Sam
Gibson is a modern outdoorsman with an incredible life story to tell.
Sam Gibson, aka Sam the Trap Man, is a bushman through and through: hunting, fishing,
trapping and adventuring — he does it all. As an unruly teenager starting to get into
mischief, Sam's parents and teachers struck an unusual deal: to let him take time out of
school and go outdoors instead. This decision kept him out of trouble and went on to
define his life.

In a series of funny, thrilling, astonishing and touching yarns about his life and times in
the bush Sam tells the story of his life so far.
From shooting his first deer, to labouring through freezing cold South Island winters as a
young trapper, to the time he woke up somehow covered in blood, each chapter weaves
together the story of an incredible life full of adventure, hard work and a deep love for
the bush and the native creatures who live in it. Protecting these animals and ecosystems is a life's calling for Sam — every decision he makes in the bush helps it to thrive.

About the author
Sam Gibson is a trapper and conservation worker who runs the popular Instagram page
@sam_the_trap_man with over 17k followers. He's spent his life in the bush hunting,
trapping and fishing, and has worked for DOC as well as private conservation companies.
In 2019 Sam established the Eastern Whio Link conservation project, restoring whio
(native blue duck) to the rivers of the Waioeka on the East Coast, where he was born and
raised. This work is largely done by volunteers and is bearing fruit — the team started
with four breeding pairs, which have since birthed 80 chicks, and he reports that the
number of whio bobbing in the waters in the area is starting to increase noticeably. 
Sam lives with his partner Roimata and their two young children in Gisborne.

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